Execution time: 14s 304ms
Planning time: 6.95ms
Triggers: N/A
Settings: 7
#1 Unique
#2 â”” Sort
#3  └ Nested Loop
#4   ├ Subquery Scan
#5   │└ Result
#6   │ └ Nested Loop
#7   │  ├ Nested Loop
#8   │  │├ Nested Loop
#9   │  ││├ Seq Scan
#10   │  ││└ Index Scan
#11   │  │└ Seq Scan
#12   │  └ Index Only Scan
#13   └ Append
#14    ├ Subquery Scan
#15    │└ Unique
#16    │ └ Sort
#17    │  └ Nested Loop
#18    │   ├ Nested Loop
#19    │   │├ Nested Loop
#20    │   ││├ Nested Loop
#21    │   │││├ Nested Loop
#22    │   ││││├ Seq Scan
#23    │   ││││└ Index Scan
#24    │   │││└ Index Scan
#25    │   ││└ Index Scan
#26    │   │└ Index Scan
#27    │   └ Seq Scan
#28    └ Subquery Scan
#29     └ Nested Loop
#30      ├ Nested Loop
#31      │├ Nested Loop
#32      ││├ Hash Join
#33      │││├ Seq Scan
#34      │││└ Hash
#35      │││ └ Seq Scan
#36      ││└ Index Scan
#37      │└ Memoize
#38      │ └ Index Only Scan
#39      └ Memoize
#40       └ Index Only Scan



by "*SELECT* 1_1".constraint_name, (("*SELECT* 1".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)

Nested Loop

Inner join

Subquery Scan

on *SELECT* 1_1



Subquery Scan

on *SELECT* 1

Subquery Scan

on *SELECT* 2

Nested Loop

Inner join


Nested Loop

Inner join

Nested Loop

Inner join

Index Only Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_namespace as nr
using pg_namespace_oid_index


by nr_1.nspname, r_1.relname, r_1.relowner, a.attname, nc_1.nspname, c_1.conname

Nested Loop

Inner join


Nested Loop

Inner join

Seq Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_namespace as nc

Nested Loop

Inner join

Nested Loop

Inner join


Index Only Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_namespace as nc_2
using pg_namespace_oid_index

Seq Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_constraint as c

Index Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_class as r
using pg_class_oid_index

Nested Loop

Inner join

Seq Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_namespace as nc_1

Hash Join

Inner join
on CASE c_2.contype WHEN 'f'::"char" THEN c_2.confrelid ELSE c_2.conrelid END = r_2.oid

Index Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_attribute as a_1
using pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index

Index Only Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_namespace as nr_2
using pg_namespace_oid_index

Nested Loop

Inner join

Index Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_namespace as nr_1
using pg_namespace_oid_index

Seq Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_constraint as c_2


Nested Loop

Inner join

Index Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_class as r_1
using pg_class_oid_index

Seq Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_class as r_2

Nested Loop

Inner join

Index Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_attribute as a
using pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index

Seq Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_constraint as c_1

Index Scan

on pg_catalog.pg_depend as d
using pg_depend_depender_index
    "Plan": {
      "Node Type": "Unique",
      "Parallel Aware": false,
      "Async Capable": false,
      "Startup Cost": 538.23,
      "Total Cost": 538.24,
      "Plan Rows": 1,
      "Plan Width": 128,
      "Actual Startup Time": 14303.709,
      "Actual Total Time": 14303.725,
      "Actual Rows": 1,
      "Actual Loops": 1,
      "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1_1\".constraint_name", "((\"*SELECT* 1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)"],
      "Shared Hit Blocks": 5153046,
      "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
      "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
      "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
      "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
      "Local Read Blocks": 0,
      "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
      "Local Written Blocks": 0,
      "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
      "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
      "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
      "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
      "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
      "WAL Records": 0,
      "WAL FPI": 0,
      "WAL Bytes": 0,
      "Plans": [
          "Node Type": "Sort",
          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Async Capable": false,
          "Startup Cost": 538.23,
          "Total Cost": 538.23,
          "Plan Rows": 1,
          "Plan Width": 128,
          "Actual Startup Time": 14303.707,
          "Actual Total Time": 14303.723,
          "Actual Rows": 1,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1_1\".constraint_name", "((\"*SELECT* 1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)"],
          "Sort Key": ["\"*SELECT* 1_1\".constraint_name", "((\"*SELECT* 1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)"],
          "Sort Method": "quicksort",
          "Sort Space Used": 25,
          "Sort Space Type": "Memory",
          "Shared Hit Blocks": 5153046,
          "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
          "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
          "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
          "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
          "Local Read Blocks": 0,
          "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
          "Local Written Blocks": 0,
          "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
          "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
          "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
          "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
          "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
          "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
          "WAL Records": 0,
          "WAL FPI": 0,
          "WAL Bytes": 0,
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Async Capable": false,
              "Join Type": "Inner",
              "Startup Cost": 62.84,
              "Total Cost": 538.22,
              "Plan Rows": 1,
              "Plan Width": 128,
              "Actual Startup Time": 1971.500,
              "Actual Total Time": 14303.694,
              "Actual Rows": 1,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1_1\".constraint_name", "((\"*SELECT* 1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)"],
              "Inner Unique": false,
              "Join Filter": "(\"*SELECT* 1\".conname = (\"*SELECT* 1_1\".constraint_name)::name)",
              "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 997,
              "Shared Hit Blocks": 5153046,
              "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
              "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
              "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
              "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
              "Local Read Blocks": 0,
              "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
              "Local Written Blocks": 0,
              "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
              "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
              "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
              "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
              "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
              "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
              "WAL Records": 0,
              "WAL FPI": 0,
              "WAL Bytes": 0,
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Subquery Scan",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Async Capable": false,
                  "Alias": "*SELECT* 1_1",
                  "Startup Cost": 0.42,
                  "Total Cost": 71.27,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 64,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.080,
                  "Actual Total Time": 46.686,
                  "Actual Rows": 998,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1_1\".constraint_name"],
                  "Shared Hit Blocks": 6013,
                  "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                  "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                  "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                  "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                  "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                  "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                  "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                  "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                  "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                  "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                  "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                  "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                  "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                  "WAL Records": 0,
                  "WAL FPI": 0,
                  "WAL Bytes": 0,
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Result",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Subquery",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Async Capable": false,
                      "Startup Cost": 0.42,
                      "Total Cost": 71.26,
                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                      "Plan Width": 544,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.078,
                      "Actual Total Time": 45.877,
                      "Actual Rows": 998,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Output": ["NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "(c.conname)::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.character_data", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no"],
                      "One-Time Filter": "(current_database() = current_database())",
                      "Shared Hit Blocks": 6013,
                      "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                      "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                      "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                      "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                      "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                      "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                      "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                      "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                      "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                      "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                      "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                      "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                      "WAL Records": 0,
                      "WAL FPI": 0,
                      "WAL Bytes": 0,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Async Capable": false,
                          "Join Type": "Inner",
                          "Startup Cost": 0.42,
                          "Total Cost": 71.26,
                          "Plan Rows": 1,
                          "Plan Width": 64,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.070,
                          "Actual Total Time": 44.470,
                          "Actual Rows": 998,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": ["c.conname"],
                          "Inner Unique": true,
                          "Shared Hit Blocks": 6013,
                          "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                          "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                          "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                          "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                          "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                          "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                          "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                          "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                          "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                          "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                          "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                          "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                          "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                          "WAL Records": 0,
                          "WAL FPI": 0,
                          "WAL Bytes": 0,
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Async Capable": false,
                              "Join Type": "Inner",
                              "Startup Cost": 0.28,
                              "Total Cost": 71.09,
                              "Plan Rows": 1,
                              "Plan Width": 68,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.058,
                              "Actual Total Time": 34.322,
                              "Actual Rows": 998,
                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                              "Output": ["c.conname", "r.relnamespace"],
                              "Inner Unique": true,
                              "Join Filter": "(nc.oid = c.connamespace)",
                              "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 2870,
                              "Shared Hit Blocks": 4017,
                              "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                              "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                              "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                              "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                              "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                              "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                              "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                              "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                              "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                              "WAL Records": 0,
                              "WAL FPI": 0,
                              "WAL Bytes": 0,
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Async Capable": false,
                                  "Join Type": "Inner",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0.28,
                                  "Total Cost": 70.00,
                                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                                  "Plan Width": 72,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.048,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 19.368,
                                  "Actual Rows": 998,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Output": ["c.conname", "c.connamespace", "r.relnamespace"],
                                  "Inner Unique": true,
                                  "Shared Hit Blocks": 3019,
                                  "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                                  "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                  "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                                  "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                                  "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                                  "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                  "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                                  "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                                  "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                                  "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                  "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                  "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                  "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                  "WAL Records": 0,
                                  "WAL FPI": 0,
                                  "WAL Bytes": 0,
                                  "Plans": [
                                      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                      "Async Capable": false,
                                      "Relation Name": "pg_constraint",
                                      "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                      "Alias": "c",
                                      "Startup Cost": 0.00,
                                      "Total Cost": 54.80,
                                      "Plan Rows": 6,
                                      "Plan Width": 72,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.023,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 3.497,
                                      "Actual Rows": 998,
                                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                                      "Output": ["c.oid", "c.conname", "c.connamespace", "c.contype", "c.condeferrable", "c.condeferred", "c.convalidated", "c.conrelid", "c.contypid", "c.conindid", "c.conparentid", "c.confrelid", "c.confupdtype", "c.confdeltype", "c.confmatchtype", "c.conislocal", "c.coninhcount", "c.connoinherit", "c.conkey", "c.confkey", "c.conpfeqop", "c.conppeqop", "c.conffeqop", "c.confdelsetcols", "c.conexclop", "c.conbin"],
                                      "Filter": "((c.contype <> ALL ('{t,x}'::\"char\"[])) AND ((CASE c.contype WHEN 'c'::\"char\" THEN 'CHECK'::text WHEN 'f'::\"char\" THEN 'FOREIGN KEY'::text WHEN 'p'::\"char\" THEN 'PRIMARY KEY'::text WHEN 'u'::\"char\" THEN 'UNIQUE'::text ELSE NULL::text END)::text = 'PRIMARY KEY'::text))",
                                      "Rows Removed by Filter": 194,
                                      "Shared Hit Blocks": 25,
                                      "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                                      "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                      "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                                      "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                                      "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                                      "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                      "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                                      "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                                      "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                                      "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                      "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                      "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                      "WAL Records": 0,
                                      "WAL FPI": 0,
                                      "WAL Bytes": 0
                                      "Node Type": "Index Scan",
                                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                      "Async Capable": false,
                                      "Scan Direction": "Forward",
                                      "Index Name": "pg_class_oid_index",
                                      "Relation Name": "pg_class",
                                      "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                      "Alias": "r",
                                      "Startup Cost": 0.28,
                                      "Total Cost": 2.53,
                                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                                      "Plan Width": 8,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.012,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.012,
                                      "Actual Rows": 1,
                                      "Actual Loops": 998,
                                      "Output": ["r.oid", "r.relname", "r.relnamespace", "r.reltype", "r.reloftype", "r.relowner", "r.relam", "r.relfilenode", "r.reltablespace", "r.relpages", "r.reltuples", "r.relallvisible", "r.reltoastrelid", "r.relhasindex", "r.relisshared", "r.relpersistence", "r.relkind", "r.relnatts", "r.relchecks", "r.relhasrules", "r.relhastriggers", "r.relhassubclass", "r.relrowsecurity", "r.relforcerowsecurity", "r.relispopulated", "r.relreplident", "r.relispartition", "r.relrewrite", "r.relfrozenxid", "r.relminmxid", "r.relacl", "r.reloptions", "r.relpartbound"],
                                      "Index Cond": "(r.oid = c.conrelid)",
                                      "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
                                      "Filter": "((r.relkind = ANY ('{r,p}'::\"char\"[])) AND (pg_has_role(r.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)))",
                                      "Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
                                      "Shared Hit Blocks": 2994,
                                      "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                                      "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                      "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                                      "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                                      "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                                      "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                      "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                                      "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                                      "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                                      "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                      "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                      "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                      "WAL Records": 0,
                                      "WAL FPI": 0,
                                      "WAL Bytes": 0
                                  "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Async Capable": false,
                                  "Relation Name": "pg_namespace",
                                  "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                  "Alias": "nc",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0.00,
                                  "Total Cost": 1.04,
                                  "Plan Rows": 4,
                                  "Plan Width": 4,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.002,
                                  "Actual Rows": 4,
                                  "Actual Loops": 998,
                                  "Output": ["nc.oid", "nc.nspname", "nc.nspowner", "nc.nspacl"],
                                  "Shared Hit Blocks": 998,
                                  "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                                  "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                  "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                                  "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                                  "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                                  "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                  "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                                  "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                                  "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                                  "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                  "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                  "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                  "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                  "WAL Records": 0,
                                  "WAL FPI": 0,
                                  "WAL Bytes": 0
                              "Node Type": "Index Only Scan",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Async Capable": false,
                              "Scan Direction": "Forward",
                              "Index Name": "pg_namespace_oid_index",
                              "Relation Name": "pg_namespace",
                              "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                              "Alias": "nr",
                              "Startup Cost": 0.13,
                              "Total Cost": 0.15,
                              "Plan Rows": 1,
                              "Plan Width": 4,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.007,
                              "Actual Total Time": 0.007,
                              "Actual Rows": 1,
                              "Actual Loops": 998,
                              "Output": ["nr.oid"],
                              "Index Cond": "(nr.oid = r.relnamespace)",
                              "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
                              "Filter": "(NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nr.oid))",
                              "Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
                              "Heap Fetches": 998,
                              "Shared Hit Blocks": 1996,
                              "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                              "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                              "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                              "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                              "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                              "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                              "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                              "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                              "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                              "WAL Records": 0,
                              "WAL FPI": 0,
                              "WAL Bytes": 0
                  "Node Type": "Append",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Async Capable": false,
                  "Startup Cost": 62.42,
                  "Total Cost": 466.92,
                  "Plan Rows": 2,
                  "Plan Width": 128,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 2.112,
                  "Actual Total Time": 14.279,
                  "Actual Rows": 1,
                  "Actual Loops": 998,
                  "Shared Hit Blocks": 5147033,
                  "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                  "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                  "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                  "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                  "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                  "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                  "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                  "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                  "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                  "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                  "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                  "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                  "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                  "WAL Records": 0,
                  "WAL FPI": 0,
                  "WAL Bytes": 0,
                  "Subplans Removed": 0,
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Subquery Scan",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Member",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Async Capable": false,
                      "Alias": "*SELECT* 1",
                      "Startup Cost": 62.42,
                      "Total Cost": 62.45,
                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                      "Plan Width": 128,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.010,
                      "Actual Total Time": 0.010,
                      "Actual Rows": 0,
                      "Actual Loops": 998,
                      "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1\".conname", "(\"*SELECT* 1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier"],
                      "Filter": "(((\"*SELECT* 1\".relname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)::name = 't_c56ng1_repository'::name)",
                      "Rows Removed by Filter": 6,
                      "Shared Hit Blocks": 157,
                      "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                      "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                      "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                      "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                      "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                      "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                      "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                      "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                      "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                      "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                      "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                      "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                      "WAL Records": 0,
                      "WAL FPI": 0,
                      "WAL Bytes": 0,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Unique",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Subquery",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Async Capable": false,
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                                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.366,
                                                  "Actual Rows": 12,
                                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
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                                                  "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
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                                                  "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
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                                                  "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
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                                                  "WAL FPI": 0,
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                                                      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
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                                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                                      "Async Capable": false,
                                                      "Relation Name": "pg_constraint",
                                                      "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                                      "Alias": "c_1",
                                                      "Startup Cost": 0.00,
                                                      "Total Cost": 39.90,
                                                      "Plan Rows": 8,
                                                      "Plan Width": 72,
                                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.038,
                                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.295,
                                                      "Actual Rows": 8,
                                                      "Actual Loops": 1,
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                                                      "Filter": "(c_1.contype = 'c'::\"char\")",
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                                                      "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
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                                                      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
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                                                      "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                                      "Alias": "d",
                                                      "Startup Cost": 0.29,
                                                      "Total Cost": 2.51,
                                                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                                                      "Plan Width": 12,
                                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.006,
                                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.007,
                                                      "Actual Rows": 2,
                                                      "Actual Loops": 8,
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                                                      "Index Cond": "((d.classid = '2606'::oid) AND (d.objid = c_1.oid))",
                                                      "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
                                                      "Filter": "(d.refclassid = '1259'::oid)",
                                                      "Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
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                                                      "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
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                                                      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
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                                                  "Async Capable": false,
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                                                  "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                                  "Alias": "a",
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                                                  "Total Cost": 0.78,
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                                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.006,
                                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.006,
                                                  "Actual Rows": 1,
                                                  "Actual Loops": 12,
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                                                  "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
                                                  "Filter": "(NOT a.attisdropped)",
                                                  "Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
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                                              "Alias": "r_1",
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                                              "Total Cost": 0.31,
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                                              "Actual Total Time": 0.004,
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                                              "Filter": "((r_1.relkind = ANY ('{r,p}'::\"char\"[])) AND pg_has_role(r_1.relowner, 'USAGE'::text))",
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                              "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                              "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                              "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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                              "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                              "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                              "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                              "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                              "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                              "WAL Records": 0,
                              "WAL FPI": 0,
                              "WAL Bytes": 0,
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
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                                  "Async Capable": false,
                                  "Join Type": "Inner",
                                  "Startup Cost": 275.88,
                                  "Total Cost": 402.00,
                                  "Plan Rows": 20,
                                  "Plan Width": 200,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.017,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 12.644,
                                  "Actual Rows": 1785,
                                  "Actual Loops": 998,
                                  "Output": ["r_2.relname", "r_2.relnamespace", "a_1.attname", "c_2.conname", "c_2.connamespace"],
                                  "Inner Unique": false,
                                  "Join Filter": "(r_2.oid = a_1.attrelid)",
                                  "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 0,
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                                  "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                                  "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                  "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                                  "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                                  "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                                  "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                  "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                  "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                  "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                  "WAL Records": 0,
                                  "WAL FPI": 0,
                                  "WAL Bytes": 0,
                                  "Plans": [
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                                      "Async Capable": false,
                                      "Join Type": "Inner",
                                      "Startup Cost": 275.59,
                                      "Total Cost": 320.23,
                                      "Plan Rows": 69,
                                      "Plan Width": 205,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.008,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.881,
                                      "Actual Rows": 1184,
                                      "Actual Loops": 998,
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                                      "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                                      "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                      "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                      "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
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                                      "WAL FPI": 0,
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                                          "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
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                                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                                          "Async Capable": false,
                                          "Relation Name": "pg_constraint",
                                          "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                          "Alias": "c_2",
                                          "Startup Cost": 0.00,
                                          "Total Cost": 41.39,
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                                          "Plan Width": 133,
                                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
                                          "Actual Total Time": 0.294,
                                          "Actual Rows": 1184,
                                          "Actual Loops": 998,
                                          "Output": ["c_2.oid", "c_2.conname", "c_2.connamespace", "c_2.contype", "c_2.condeferrable", "c_2.condeferred", "c_2.convalidated", "c_2.conrelid", "c_2.contypid", "c_2.conindid", "c_2.conparentid", "c_2.confrelid", "c_2.confupdtype", "c_2.confdeltype", "c_2.confmatchtype", "c_2.conislocal", "c_2.coninhcount", "c_2.connoinherit", "c_2.conkey", "c_2.confkey", "c_2.conpfeqop", "c_2.conppeqop", "c_2.conffeqop", "c_2.confdelsetcols", "c_2.conexclop", "c_2.conbin"],
                                          "Filter": "(c_2.contype = ANY ('{p,u,f}'::\"char\"[]))",
                                          "Rows Removed by Filter": 8,
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                                          "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
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                                          "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
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                                          "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
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                                          "Total Cost": 271.24,
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                                          "Plan Width": 72,
                                          "Actual Startup Time": 2.542,
                                          "Actual Total Time": 2.543,
                                          "Actual Rows": 1045,
                                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                                          "Output": ["r_2.relname", "r_2.relnamespace", "r_2.oid"],
                                          "Hash Buckets": 2048,
                                          "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                          "Hash Batches": 1,
                                          "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                                          "Peak Memory Usage": 123,
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                                          "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                                          "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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                                          "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                          "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                                          "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                                          "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                                          "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                          "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                          "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                          "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                          "WAL Records": 0,
                                          "WAL FPI": 0,
                                          "WAL Bytes": 0,
                                          "Plans": [
                                              "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                                              "Async Capable": false,
                                              "Relation Name": "pg_class",
                                              "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                              "Alias": "r_2",
                                              "Startup Cost": 0.00,
                                              "Total Cost": 271.24,
                                              "Plan Rows": 348,
                                              "Plan Width": 72,
                                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.009,
                                              "Actual Total Time": 2.238,
                                              "Actual Rows": 1045,
                                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                                              "Output": ["r_2.relname", "r_2.relnamespace", "r_2.oid"],
                                              "Filter": "((r_2.relkind = ANY ('{r,p}'::\"char\"[])) AND pg_has_role(r_2.relowner, 'USAGE'::text))",
                                              "Rows Removed by Filter": 4904,
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                                              "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                                              "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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                                              "Local Read Blocks": 0,
                                              "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
                                              "Local Written Blocks": 0,
                                              "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
                                              "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                                              "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                              "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                              "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                              "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                              "WAL Records": 0,
                                              "WAL FPI": 0,
                                              "WAL Bytes": 0
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                                      "Async Capable": false,
                                      "Scan Direction": "Forward",
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                                      "Relation Name": "pg_attribute",
                                      "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                      "Alias": "a_1",
                                      "Startup Cost": 0.29,
                                      "Total Cost": 1.17,
                                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                                      "Plan Width": 70,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.005,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.009,
                                      "Actual Rows": 2,
                                      "Actual Loops": 1181632,
                                      "Output": ["a_1.attrelid", "a_1.attname", "a_1.atttypid", "a_1.attlen", "a_1.attnum", "a_1.attcacheoff", "a_1.atttypmod", "a_1.attndims", "a_1.attbyval", "a_1.attalign", "a_1.attstorage", "a_1.attcompression", "a_1.attnotnull", "a_1.atthasdef", "a_1.atthasmissing", "a_1.attidentity", "a_1.attgenerated", "a_1.attisdropped", "a_1.attislocal", "a_1.attinhcount", "a_1.attstattarget", "a_1.attcollation", "a_1.attacl", "a_1.attoptions", "a_1.attfdwoptions", "a_1.attmissingval"],
                                      "Index Cond": "(a_1.attrelid = CASE c_2.contype WHEN 'f'::\"char\" THEN c_2.confrelid ELSE c_2.conrelid END)",
                                      "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
                                      "Filter": "((NOT a_1.attisdropped) AND (a_1.attnum = ANY (CASE c_2.contype WHEN 'f'::\"char\" THEN c_2.confkey ELSE c_2.conkey END)))",
                                      "Rows Removed by Filter": 17,
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                                      "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
                                      "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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                                      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
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                                  "Total Cost": 0.17,
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                                  "Plan Width": 4,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.000,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.000,
                                  "Actual Rows": 1,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1781430,
                                  "Output": ["nr_2.oid"],
                                  "Cache Key": "r_2.relnamespace",
                                  "Cache Mode": "logical",
                                  "Cache Hits": 1781428,
                                  "Cache Misses": 2,
                                  "Cache Evictions": 0,
                                  "Cache Overflows": 0,
                                  "Peak Memory Usage": 1,
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                                  "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
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                                  "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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                                  "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
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                                  "WAL FPI": 0,
                                  "WAL Bytes": 0,
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                                      "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                      "Alias": "nr_2",
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                                      "Total Cost": 0.16,
                                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                                      "Plan Width": 4,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.004,
                                      "Actual Rows": 1,
                                      "Actual Loops": 2,
                                      "Output": ["nr_2.oid"],
                                      "Index Cond": "(nr_2.oid = r_2.relnamespace)",
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                                      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
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                              "Total Cost": 0.16,
                              "Plan Rows": 1,
                              "Plan Width": 4,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.000,
                              "Actual Total Time": 0.000,
                              "Actual Rows": 1,
                              "Actual Loops": 1781430,
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                              "Cache Key": "c_2.connamespace",
                              "Cache Mode": "logical",
                              "Cache Hits": 1781428,
                              "Cache Misses": 2,
                              "Cache Evictions": 0,
                              "Cache Overflows": 0,
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                              "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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                              "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
                              "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                              "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                              "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                              "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                              "WAL Records": 0,
                              "WAL FPI": 0,
                              "WAL Bytes": 0,
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "Index Only Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
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                                  "Async Capable": false,
                                  "Scan Direction": "Forward",
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                                  "Relation Name": "pg_namespace",
                                  "Schema": "pg_catalog",
                                  "Alias": "nc_2",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0.13,
                                  "Total Cost": 0.15,
                                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                                  "Plan Width": 4,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.002,
                                  "Actual Rows": 1,
                                  "Actual Loops": 2,
                                  "Output": ["nc_2.oid"],
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                                  "Heap Fetches": 2,
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                                  "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
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                                  "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
                                  "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000,
                                  "WAL Records": 0,
                                  "WAL FPI": 0,
                                  "WAL Bytes": 0
    "Settings": {
      "work_mem": "16MB",
      "hash_mem_multiplier": "1",
      "effective_io_concurrency": "400",
      "max_parallel_workers": "4",
      "random_page_cost": "1.1",
      "effective_cache_size": "36GB",
      "jit": "off"
    "Query Identifier": 7256322301156103390,
    "Planning": {
      "Shared Hit Blocks": 76,
      "Shared Read Blocks": 0,
      "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
      "Shared Written Blocks": 0,
      "Local Hit Blocks": 0,
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      "Temp Read Blocks": 0,
      "Temp Written Blocks": 0,
      "I/O Read Time": 0.000,
      "I/O Write Time": 0.000,
      "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000,
      "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000
    "Planning Time": 6.945,
    "Triggers": [
    "Execution Time": 14304.353
SELECT DISTINCT "tc"."constraint_name" AS "ConstraintName", "ccu"."column_name" AS "ColumnName" 
        information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS "ccu" right join information_schema.table_constraints AS "tc" 
		ON  "tc"."constraint_catalog" = "ccu"."constraint_catalog"  
        AND  "tc"."constraint_name" = "ccu"."constraint_name"  
          WHERE "tc"."constraint_type" = 'PRIMARY KEY'
        AND  "ccu"."table_name" = 't_c56ng1_repository'
Table Count Time
pg_attribute 2 10s 635ms 74%
#36 Index Scan 10s 635ms 74%
#24 Index Scan 0.072ms 0%
pg_constraint 3 297ms 2%
#33 Seq Scan 293ms 2%
#9 Seq Scan 3.5ms 0%
#22 Seq Scan 0.295ms 0%
pg_class 3 14.3ms 0%
#10 Index Scan 12ms 0%
#35 Seq Scan 2.24ms 0%
#25 Index Scan 0.048ms 0%
pg_namespace 6 9.03ms 0%
#12 Index Only Scan 6.99ms 0%
#11 Seq Scan 2ms 0%
#26 Index Scan 0.024ms 0%
#27 Seq Scan 0.012ms 0%
#38 Index Only Scan 0.008ms 0%
#40 Index Only Scan 0.004ms 0%
pg_depend 1 0.056ms 0%
#23 Index Scan 0.056ms 0%
Function Count Time
No function used
Node Type Count Time
Index Scan 6 10s 647ms 74%
#36 Index Scan 10s 635ms 74%
#10 Index Scan 12ms 0%
#24 Index Scan 0.072ms 0%
#23 Index Scan 0.056ms 0%
#25 Index Scan 0.048ms 0%
#26 Index Scan 0.024ms 0%
Nested Loop 12 2s 563ms 18%
#31 Nested Loop 1s 105ms 8%
#29 Nested Loop 721ms 5%
#30 Nested Loop 711ms 5%
#7 Nested Loop 13ms 0%
#3 Nested Loop 6.57ms 0%
#8 Nested Loop 3.89ms 0%
#6 Nested Loop 3.16ms 0%
#17 Nested Loop 0.036ms 0%
#19 Nested Loop 0.016ms 0%
#21 Nested Loop 0.015ms 0%
#20 Nested Loop 0.011ms 0%
#18 Nested Loop 0.01ms 0%
Hash Join 1 583ms 4%
#32 Hash Join 583ms 4%
Seq Scan 6 301ms 2%
#33 Seq Scan 293ms 2%
#9 Seq Scan 3.5ms 0%
#35 Seq Scan 2.24ms 0%
#11 Seq Scan 2ms 0%
#22 Seq Scan 0.295ms 0%
#27 Seq Scan 0.012ms 0%
Subquery Scan 3 190ms 1%
#28 Subquery Scan 189ms 1%
#14 Subquery Scan 0.998ms 0%
#4 Subquery Scan 0.809ms 0%
Index Only Scan 3 7ms 0%
#12 Index Only Scan 6.99ms 0%
#38 Index Only Scan 0.008ms 0%
#40 Index Only Scan 0.004ms 0%
Unique 2 5.99ms 0%
#15 Unique 5.99ms 0%
#1 Unique 0.002ms 0%
Sort 2 2.43ms 0%
#16 Sort 2.4ms 0%
#2 Sort 0.029ms 0%
Append 1 2ms 0%
#13 Append 2ms 0%
Result 1 1.41ms 0%
#5 Result 1.41ms 0%
Hash 1 0.305ms 0%
#34 Hash 0.305ms 0%
Memoize 2 0ms 0%
#39 Memoize 0ms 0%
#37 Memoize 0ms 0%
Index Count Time
pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index 2 10s 635ms 74%
#36 Index Scan 10s 635ms 74%
#24 Index Scan 0.072ms 0%
pg_class_oid_index 2 12ms 0%
#10 Index Scan 12ms 0%
#25 Index Scan 0.048ms 0%
pg_namespace_oid_index 4 7.02ms 0%
#12 Index Only Scan 6.99ms 0%
#26 Index Scan 0.024ms 0%
#38 Index Only Scan 0.008ms 0%
#40 Index Only Scan 0.004ms 0%
pg_depend_depender_index 1 0.056ms 0%
#23 Index Scan 0.056ms 0%