Execution time: 13s 227ms
Planning time: 28.6ms
Triggers: N/A
Main Query Plan
#1 Hash Join
#22 ├ Merge Join
#23 │├ Sort
#24 ││└ Hash Join
#25 ││ ├ Hash Join
#26 ││ │├ Seq Scan
#27 ││ │└ Hash
#28 ││ │ └ Hash Join
#29 ││ │  ├ Hash Join
#30 ││ │  │├ Seq Scan
#31 ││ │  │└ Hash
#32 ││ │  │ └ Seq Scan
#33 ││ │  └ Hash
#34 ││ │   └ Hash Join
#35 ││ │    ├ Hash Join
#36 ││ │    │├ Seq Scan
#37 ││ │    │└ Hash
#38 ││ │    │ └ Seq Scan
#39 ││ │    └ Hash
#40 ││ │     └ Hash Join
#41 ││ │      ├ Seq Scan
#42 ││ │      └ Hash
#43 ││ │       └ Seq Scan
#44 ││ └ Hash
#45 ││  └ Seq Scan
#46 │└ GroupAggregate
#52 │ └ Nested Loop
#53 │  ├ Merge Join
#54 │  │├ Sort
#55 │  ││└ Hash Join
#56 │  ││ ├ Seq Scan
#57 │  ││ └ Hash
#58 │  ││  └ Seq Scan
#59 │  │└ Sort
#60 │  │ └ Seq Scan
#61 │  └ Materialize
#62 │   └ Nested Loop
#63 │    ├ HashAggregate
#64 │    │└ CTE Scan
#65 │    └ Bitmap Heap Scan
#66 │     └ Bitmap Index Scan
#67 â”” Hash
#68  └ Subquery Scan
#69   └ HashAggregate
#70    └ Merge Join
#71     ├ Sort
#72     │└ Hash Join
#73     │ ├ Hash Join
#74     │ │├ Seq Scan
#75     │ │└ Hash
#76     │ │ └ Hash Join
#77     │ │  ├ Seq Scan
#78     │ │  └ Hash
#79     │ │   └ Seq Scan
#80     │ └ Hash
#81     │  └ CTE Scan
#82     └ Materialize
#83      └ Sort
#84       └ Seq Scan
CTE latest_trh_locations
#2 Nested Loop
#3 ├ Nested Loop
#4 │├ Subquery Scan
#5 ││└ WindowAgg
#6 ││ └ Sort
#7 ││  └ Seq Scan
#8 │└ Index Scan
#9 â”” Index Scan
CTE location_distances
#10 Nested Loop
#11 ├ Seq Scan
#12 â”” Materialize
#13  └ Seq Scan
CTE sensor_distances
#14 Hash Join
#15 ├ CTE Scan
#16 â”” Hash
#17  └ CTE Scan
CTE closests_trh_sensors
#18 Subquery Scan
#19 â”” WindowAgg
#20  └ Sort
#21   └ CTE Scan
CTE propagation_trh_sensors
#47 Nested Loop
#48 ├ Nested Loop
#49 │├ CTE Scan
#50 │└ Index Only Scan
#51 â”” Seq Scan

Hash Join

Left join
on batches.id = grow_trh.batch_id

Merge Join

Left join



by batches.id


by batches_1.id

Subquery Scan

on grow_trh

Hash Join

Inner join
on batches.crop_type_id = crop_types.id

Nested Loop

Left join


by batches_2.id

Hash Join

Right join
on batch_events_1.batch_id = batches.id


Merge Join

Left join


Merge Join

Left join

Seq Scan

on public.batch_events as batch_events_1


Seq Scan

on public.crop_types as crop_types


by batches_1.id


by batch_events_5.batch_id

Nested Loop

Inner join


by closests_trh_sensors.sensor_id


Hash Join

Right join
on batch_events_2.batch_id = batches.id

Hash Join

Right join
on batch_events_4.batch_id = batches_1.id

Seq Scan

on public.batch_events as batch_events_5


by propagation_trh_sensors.id

Bitmap Heap Scan

on public.aranet_trh_data as aranet_trh_data

Hash Join

Left join
on batch_events_6.location_id = closests_trh_sensors.location_id


by aranet_trh_data_1.sensor_id

Hash Join

Left join
on batch_events_2.location_id = locations.id


Seq Scan

on public.batch_events as batch_events_4


CTE Scan

on propagation_trh_sensors

Bitmap Index Scan

using aranet_trh_data_sensor_id_timestamp_key

Hash Join

Right join
on batch_events_7.batch_id = batches_2.id


Seq Scan

on public.aranet_trh_data as aranet_trh_data_1

Seq Scan

on public.batch_events as batch_events_2


Hash Join

Right join
on batch_events_3.batch_id = batches.id

Seq Scan

on public.batches as batches_1

Seq Scan

on public.batch_events as batch_events_7


CTE Scan

on closests_trh_sensors

Seq Scan

on public.locations as locations

Hash Join

Right join
on harvests.batch_event_id = batch_events_3.id


Hash Join

Right join
on batch_events_6.batch_id = batches_2.id

Seq Scan

on public.harvests as harvests


Hash Join

Inner join
on batch_events.batch_id = batches.id

Seq Scan

on public.batch_events as batch_events_6


Seq Scan

on public.batch_events as batch_events_3

Seq Scan

on public.batch_events as batch_events


Seq Scan

on public.batches as batches_2

Seq Scan

on public.batches as batches
CTE latest_trh_locations

Nested Loop

Inner join

Nested Loop

Inner join

Index Scan

on public.sensor_types as sensor_types
using sensor_types_pkey

Subquery Scan

on ss

Index Scan

on public.sensors as sensors
using sensors_pkey



by sensor_location.sensor_id

Seq Scan

on public.sensor_location as sensor_location
CTE location_distances

Nested Loop

Inner join

Seq Scan

on public.locations as l1


Seq Scan

on public.locations as l2
CTE sensor_distances

Hash Join

Inner join
on location_distances.id2 = latest_trh_locations.location_id

CTE Scan

on location_distances


CTE Scan

on latest_trh_locations
CTE closests_trh_sensors

Subquery Scan

on ss_1



by sensor_distances.location_id

CTE Scan

on sensor_distances
CTE propagation_trh_sensors

Nested Loop

Inner join

Nested Loop

Inner join

Seq Scan

on public.locations as locations_1

CTE Scan

on latest_trh_locations_1

Index Only Scan

on public.sensors as sensors_1
using sensors_pkey
    "Plan": {
      "Node Type": "Hash Join",
      "Parallel Aware": false,
      "Join Type": "Left",
      "Startup Cost": 342377.76,
      "Total Cost": 540414.23,
      "Plan Rows": 218,
      "Plan Width": 380,
      "Actual Startup Time": 3270.969,
      "Actual Total Time": 13036.28,
      "Actual Rows": 217,
      "Actual Loops": 1,
      "Output": [
        "(batch_events_3.event_time - batch_events_2.event_time)",
        "(avg((('610.78'::double precision * exp((('17.2694'::double precision * aranet_trh_data.temperature) / (aranet_trh_data.temperature + '237.3'::double precision)))) * ('1'::double precision - (aranet_trh_data.humidity / '100'::double precision)))))"
      "Inner Unique": true,
      "Hash Cond": "(batches.id = grow_trh.batch_id)",
      "Plans": [
          "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
          "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
          "Subplan Name": "CTE latest_trh_locations",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Join Type": "Inner",
          "Startup Cost": 3.14,
          "Total Cost": 13.35,
          "Plan Rows": 1,
          "Plan Width": 16,
          "Actual Startup Time": 0.116,
          "Actual Total Time": 0.349,
          "Actual Rows": 21,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Output": [
          "Inner Unique": true,
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Join Type": "Inner",
              "Startup Cost": 3.01,
              "Total Cost": 12.79,
              "Plan Rows": 1,
              "Plan Width": 20,
              "Actual Startup Time": 0.065,
              "Actual Total Time": 0.249,
              "Actual Rows": 58,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Output": [
              "Inner Unique": true,
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Subquery Scan",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Alias": "ss",
                  "Startup Cost": 2.87,
                  "Total Cost": 4.34,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 16,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.054,
                  "Actual Total Time": 0.143,
                  "Actual Rows": 58,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Output": [
                  "Filter": "(ss.installation_date = ss.max_date)",
                  "Rows Removed by Filter": 17,
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "WindowAgg",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Subquery",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Startup Cost": 2.87,
                      "Total Cost": 3.72,
                      "Plan Rows": 49,
                      "Plan Width": 24,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.054,
                      "Actual Total Time": 0.136,
                      "Actual Rows": 75,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Output": [
                        "max(sensor_location.installation_date) OVER (?)"
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Sort",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Startup Cost": 2.87,
                          "Total Cost": 2.99,
                          "Plan Rows": 49,
                          "Plan Width": 16,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.044,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.048,
                          "Actual Rows": 75,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": [
                          "Sort Key": [
                          "Sort Method": "quicksort",
                          "Sort Space Used": 28,
                          "Sort Space Type": "Memory",
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Relation Name": "sensor_location",
                              "Schema": "public",
                              "Alias": "sensor_location",
                              "Startup Cost": 0,
                              "Total Cost": 1.49,
                              "Plan Rows": 49,
                              "Plan Width": 16,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.017,
                              "Actual Total Time": 0.026,
                              "Actual Rows": 75,
                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                              "Output": [
                  "Node Type": "Index Scan",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Scan Direction": "Forward",
                  "Index Name": "sensors_pkey",
                  "Relation Name": "sensors",
                  "Schema": "public",
                  "Alias": "sensors",
                  "Startup Cost": 0.14,
                  "Total Cost": 8.2,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 8,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
                  "Actual Total Time": 0.001,
                  "Actual Rows": 1,
                  "Actual Loops": 58,
                  "Output": [
                  "Index Cond": "(sensors.id = ss.sensor_id)",
                  "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0
              "Node Type": "Index Scan",
              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Scan Direction": "Forward",
              "Index Name": "sensor_types_pkey",
              "Relation Name": "sensor_types",
              "Schema": "public",
              "Alias": "sensor_types",
              "Startup Cost": 0.13,
              "Total Cost": 0.34,
              "Plan Rows": 1,
              "Plan Width": 4,
              "Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
              "Actual Total Time": 0.001,
              "Actual Rows": 0,
              "Actual Loops": 58,
              "Output": [
              "Index Cond": "(sensor_types.id = sensors.type_id)",
              "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
              "Filter": "((sensor_types.sensor_type)::text = 'Aranet T&RH'::text)",
              "Rows Removed by Filter": 1
          "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
          "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
          "Subplan Name": "CTE location_distances",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Join Type": "Inner",
          "Startup Cost": 0,
          "Total Cost": 97.81,
          "Plan Rows": 2704,
          "Plan Width": 12,
          "Actual Startup Time": 0.033,
          "Actual Total Time": 1.594,
          "Actual Rows": 7396,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Output": [
            "(((CASE WHEN ((l1.zone)::text = (l2.zone)::text) THEN 0 ELSE NULL::integer END + CASE WHEN ((l1.aisle)::text = (l2.aisle)::text) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) + abs((l1.\"column\" - l2.\"column\"))) + abs((l1.shelf - l2.shelf)))"
          "Inner Unique": false,
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Relation Name": "locations",
              "Schema": "public",
              "Alias": "l1",
              "Startup Cost": 0,
              "Total Cost": 1.52,
              "Plan Rows": 52,
              "Plan Width": 22,
              "Actual Startup Time": 0.016,
              "Actual Total Time": 0.022,
              "Actual Rows": 86,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Output": [
              "Node Type": "Materialize",
              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 0,
              "Total Cost": 1.78,
              "Plan Rows": 52,
              "Plan Width": 22,
              "Actual Startup Time": 0,
              "Actual Total Time": 0.003,
              "Actual Rows": 86,
              "Actual Loops": 86,
              "Output": [
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Relation Name": "locations",
                  "Schema": "public",
                  "Alias": "l2",
                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                  "Total Cost": 1.52,
                  "Plan Rows": 52,
                  "Plan Width": 22,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.012,
                  "Actual Total Time": 0.016,
                  "Actual Rows": 86,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Output": [
          "Node Type": "Hash Join",
          "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
          "Subplan Name": "CTE sensor_distances",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Join Type": "Inner",
          "Startup Cost": 0.03,
          "Total Cost": 64.39,
          "Plan Rows": 14,
          "Plan Width": 12,
          "Actual Startup Time": 0.086,
          "Actual Total Time": 3.955,
          "Actual Rows": 1806,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Output": [
          "Inner Unique": false,
          "Hash Cond": "(location_distances.id2 = latest_trh_locations.location_id)",
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "CTE Name": "location_distances",
              "Alias": "location_distances",
              "Startup Cost": 0,
              "Total Cost": 54.08,
              "Plan Rows": 2704,
              "Plan Width": 12,
              "Actual Startup Time": 0.034,
              "Actual Total Time": 3.203,
              "Actual Rows": 7396,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Output": [
              "Node Type": "Hash",
              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 0.02,
              "Total Cost": 0.02,
              "Plan Rows": 1,
              "Plan Width": 8,
              "Actual Startup Time": 0.009,
              "Actual Total Time": 0.009,
              "Actual Rows": 21,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Output": [
              "Hash Buckets": 1024,
              "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
              "Hash Batches": 1,
              "Original Hash Batches": 1,
              "Peak Memory Usage": 9,
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "CTE Name": "latest_trh_locations",
                  "Alias": "latest_trh_locations",
                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                  "Total Cost": 0.02,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 8,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
                  "Actual Total Time": 0.006,
                  "Actual Rows": 21,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Output": [
          "Node Type": "Subquery Scan",
          "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
          "Subplan Name": "CTE closests_trh_sensors",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Alias": "ss_1",
          "Startup Cost": 0.55,
          "Total Cost": 0.97,
          "Plan Rows": 1,
          "Plan Width": 8,
          "Actual Startup Time": 4.66,
          "Actual Total Time": 5.368,
          "Actual Rows": 83,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Output": [
          "Filter": "(ss_1.distance = ss_1.min_distance)",
          "Rows Removed by Filter": 1723,
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "WindowAgg",
              "Parent Relationship": "Subquery",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 0.55,
              "Total Cost": 0.79,
              "Plan Rows": 14,
              "Plan Width": 16,
              "Actual Startup Time": 4.658,
              "Actual Total Time": 5.295,
              "Actual Rows": 1806,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Output": [
                "min(sensor_distances.distance) OVER (?)"
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Sort",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Startup Cost": 0.55,
                  "Total Cost": 0.58,
                  "Plan Rows": 14,
                  "Plan Width": 12,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 4.647,
                  "Actual Total Time": 4.699,
                  "Actual Rows": 1806,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Output": [
                  "Sort Key": [
                  "Sort Method": "quicksort",
                  "Sort Space Used": 133,
                  "Sort Space Type": "Memory",
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "CTE Name": "sensor_distances",
                      "Alias": "sensor_distances",
                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                      "Total Cost": 0.28,
                      "Plan Rows": 14,
                      "Plan Width": 12,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.087,
                      "Actual Total Time": 4.394,
                      "Actual Rows": 1806,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Output": [
                      "Filter": "(sensor_distances.sensor_id IS NOT NULL)",
                      "Rows Removed by Filter": 0
          "Node Type": "Merge Join",
          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Join Type": "Left",
          "Startup Cost": 2429.02,
          "Total Cost": 200464.37,
          "Plan Rows": 218,
          "Plan Width": 340,
          "Actual Startup Time": 353.584,
          "Actual Total Time": 10118.314,
          "Actual Rows": 217,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Output": [
            "(avg((('610.78'::double precision * exp((('17.2694'::double precision * aranet_trh_data.temperature) / (aranet_trh_data.temperature + '237.3'::double precision)))) * ('1'::double precision - (aranet_trh_data.humidity / '100'::double precision)))))"
          "Inner Unique": true,
          "Merge Cond": "(batches.id = batches_1.id)",
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Sort",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 108.21,
              "Total Cost": 108.76,
              "Plan Rows": 218,
              "Plan Width": 316,
              "Actual Startup Time": 0.949,
              "Actual Total Time": 1.017,
              "Actual Rows": 217,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Output": [
              "Sort Key": [
              "Sort Method": "quicksort",
              "Sort Space Used": 72,
              "Sort Space Type": "Memory",
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Join Type": "Inner",
                  "Startup Cost": 82.35,
                  "Total Cost": 99.75,
                  "Plan Rows": 218,
                  "Plan Width": 316,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.672,
                  "Actual Total Time": 0.819,
                  "Actual Rows": 217,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Output": [
                  "Inner Unique": true,
                  "Hash Cond": "(batches.crop_type_id = crop_types.id)",
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Join Type": "Right",
                      "Startup Cost": 66.05,
                      "Total Cost": 82.86,
                      "Plan Rows": 218,
                      "Plan Width": 102,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.631,
                      "Actual Total Time": 0.747,
                      "Actual Rows": 217,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Output": [
                      "Inner Unique": false,
                      "Hash Cond": "(batch_events_1.batch_id = batches.id)",
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Relation Name": "batch_events",
                          "Schema": "public",
                          "Alias": "batch_events_1",
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 13.98,
                          "Plan Rows": 207,
                          "Plan Width": 12,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.008,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.059,
                          "Actual Rows": 207,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": [
                          "Filter": "(batch_events_1.event_type = 'propagate'::eventtype)",
                          "Rows Removed by Filter": 447
                          "Node Type": "Hash",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Startup Cost": 63.74,
                          "Total Cost": 63.74,
                          "Plan Rows": 185,
                          "Plan Width": 94,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.617,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.622,
                          "Actual Rows": 189,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": [
                          "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                          "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                          "Hash Batches": 1,
                          "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                          "Peak Memory Usage": 30,
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Join Type": "Right",
                              "Startup Cost": 47.58,
                              "Total Cost": 63.74,
                              "Plan Rows": 185,
                              "Plan Width": 94,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.458,
                              "Actual Total Time": 0.58,
                              "Actual Rows": 189,
                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                              "Output": [
                              "Inner Unique": false,
                              "Hash Cond": "(batch_events_2.batch_id = batches.id)",
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Join Type": "Left",
                                  "Startup Cost": 2.17,
                                  "Total Cost": 16.51,
                                  "Plan Rows": 133,
                                  "Plan Width": 30,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.05,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.127,
                                  "Actual Rows": 141,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Output": [
                                  "Inner Unique": true,
                                  "Hash Cond": "(batch_events_2.location_id = locations.id)",
                                  "Plans": [
                                      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                      "Relation Name": "batch_events",
                                      "Schema": "public",
                                      "Alias": "batch_events_2",
                                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                                      "Total Cost": 13.98,
                                      "Plan Rows": 133,
                                      "Plan Width": 16,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.008,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.059,
                                      "Actual Rows": 141,
                                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                                      "Output": [
                                      "Filter": "(batch_events_2.event_type = 'transfer'::eventtype)",
                                      "Rows Removed by Filter": 513
                                      "Node Type": "Hash",
                                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                      "Startup Cost": 1.52,
                                      "Total Cost": 1.52,
                                      "Plan Rows": 52,
                                      "Plan Width": 22,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.035,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.036,
                                      "Actual Rows": 86,
                                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                                      "Output": [
                                      "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                      "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                      "Hash Batches": 1,
                                      "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                                      "Peak Memory Usage": 13,
                                      "Plans": [
                                          "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                                          "Relation Name": "locations",
                                          "Schema": "public",
                                          "Alias": "locations",
                                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                                          "Total Cost": 1.52,
                                          "Plan Rows": 52,
                                          "Plan Width": 22,
                                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.01,
                                          "Actual Total Time": 0.022,
                                          "Actual Rows": 86,
                                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                                          "Output": [
                                  "Node Type": "Hash",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Startup Cost": 43.1,
                                  "Total Cost": 43.1,
                                  "Plan Rows": 185,
                                  "Plan Width": 68,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.402,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.405,
                                  "Actual Rows": 189,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Output": [
                                  "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                  "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                  "Hash Batches": 1,
                                  "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                                  "Peak Memory Usage": 25,
                                  "Plans": [
                                      "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                      "Join Type": "Right",
                                      "Startup Cost": 38.13,
                                      "Total Cost": 43.1,
                                      "Plan Rows": 185,
                                      "Plan Width": 68,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.297,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.365,
                                      "Actual Rows": 189,
                                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                                      "Output": [
                                      "Inner Unique": false,
                                      "Hash Cond": "(batch_events_3.batch_id = batches.id)",
                                      "Plans": [
                                          "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                                          "Join Type": "Right",
                                          "Startup Cost": 15.39,
                                          "Total Cost": 18.81,
                                          "Plan Rows": 113,
                                          "Plan Width": 44,
                                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.095,
                                          "Actual Total Time": 0.127,
                                          "Actual Rows": 117,
                                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                                          "Output": [
                                          "Inner Unique": true,
                                          "Hash Cond": "(harvests.batch_event_id = batch_events_3.id)",
                                          "Plans": [
                                              "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                                              "Relation Name": "harvests",
                                              "Schema": "public",
                                              "Alias": "harvests",
                                              "Startup Cost": 0,
                                              "Total Cost": 3.13,
                                              "Plan Rows": 113,
                                              "Plan Width": 36,
                                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.01,
                                              "Actual Total Time": 0.018,
                                              "Actual Rows": 117,
                                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                                              "Output": [
                                              "Node Type": "Hash",
                                              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                                              "Startup Cost": 13.98,
                                              "Total Cost": 13.98,
                                              "Plan Rows": 113,
                                              "Plan Width": 16,
                                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.077,
                                              "Actual Total Time": 0.077,
                                              "Actual Rows": 117,
                                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                                              "Output": [
                                              "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                              "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                              "Hash Batches": 1,
                                              "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                                              "Peak Memory Usage": 14,
                                              "Plans": [
                                                  "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                                  "Relation Name": "batch_events",
                                                  "Schema": "public",
                                                  "Alias": "batch_events_3",
                                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                                  "Total Cost": 13.98,
                                                  "Plan Rows": 113,
                                                  "Plan Width": 16,
                                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.01,
                                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.063,
                                                  "Actual Rows": 117,
                                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                                  "Output": [
                                                  "Filter": "(batch_events_3.event_type = 'harvest'::eventtype)",
                                                  "Rows Removed by Filter": 537
                                          "Node Type": "Hash",
                                          "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                                          "Startup Cost": 20.43,
                                          "Total Cost": 20.43,
                                          "Plan Rows": 185,
                                          "Plan Width": 28,
                                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.196,
                                          "Actual Total Time": 0.198,
                                          "Actual Rows": 189,
                                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                                          "Output": [
                                          "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                          "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                          "Hash Batches": 1,
                                          "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                                          "Peak Memory Usage": 20,
                                          "Plans": [
                                              "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                                              "Join Type": "Inner",
                                              "Startup Cost": 5.96,
                                              "Total Cost": 20.43,
                                              "Plan Rows": 185,
                                              "Plan Width": 28,
                                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.076,
                                              "Actual Total Time": 0.167,
                                              "Actual Rows": 189,
                                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                                              "Output": [
                                              "Inner Unique": true,
                                              "Hash Cond": "(batch_events.batch_id = batches.id)",
                                              "Plans": [
                                                  "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                                  "Relation Name": "batch_events",
                                                  "Schema": "public",
                                                  "Alias": "batch_events",
                                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                                  "Total Cost": 13.98,
                                                  "Plan Rows": 185,
                                                  "Plan Width": 12,
                                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.011,
                                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.073,
                                                  "Actual Rows": 189,
                                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                                  "Output": [
                                                  "Filter": "(batch_events.event_type = 'weigh'::eventtype)",
                                                  "Rows Removed by Filter": 465
                                                  "Node Type": "Hash",
                                                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                                  "Startup Cost": 3.76,
                                                  "Total Cost": 3.76,
                                                  "Plan Rows": 176,
                                                  "Plan Width": 20,
                                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.057,
                                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.057,
                                                  "Actual Rows": 190,
                                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                                  "Output": [
                                                  "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                                  "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                                  "Hash Batches": 1,
                                                  "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                                                  "Peak Memory Usage": 19,
                                                  "Plans": [
                                                      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                                      "Relation Name": "batches",
                                                      "Schema": "public",
                                                      "Alias": "batches",
                                                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                                                      "Total Cost": 3.76,
                                                      "Plan Rows": 176,
                                                      "Plan Width": 20,
                                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.009,
                                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.031,
                                                      "Actual Rows": 190,
                                                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                                                      "Output": [
                      "Node Type": "Hash",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Startup Cost": 12.8,
                      "Total Cost": 12.8,
                      "Plan Rows": 280,
                      "Plan Width": 222,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.034,
                      "Actual Total Time": 0.034,
                      "Actual Rows": 22,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Output": [
                      "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                      "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                      "Hash Batches": 1,
                      "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                      "Peak Memory Usage": 10,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Relation Name": "crop_types",
                          "Schema": "public",
                          "Alias": "crop_types",
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 12.8,
                          "Plan Rows": 280,
                          "Plan Width": 222,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.017,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.02,
                          "Actual Rows": 22,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": [
              "Node Type": "Aggregate",
              "Strategy": "Sorted",
              "Partial Mode": "Simple",
              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Startup Cost": 2320.81,
              "Total Cost": 200350.68,
              "Plan Rows": 176,
              "Plan Width": 28,
              "Actual Startup Time": 352.631,
              "Actual Total Time": 10116.742,
              "Actual Rows": 190,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Output": [
                "avg((('610.78'::double precision * exp((('17.2694'::double precision * aranet_trh_data.temperature) / (aranet_trh_data.temperature + '237.3'::double precision)))) * ('1'::double precision - (aranet_trh_data.humidity / '100'::double precision))))"
              "Group Key": [
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                  "Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
                  "Subplan Name": "CTE propagation_trh_sensors",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Join Type": "Inner",
                  "Startup Cost": 0.14,
                  "Total Cost": 5.97,
                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                  "Plan Width": 4,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.212,
                  "Actual Total Time": 0.736,
                  "Actual Rows": 2,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Output": [
                  "Inner Unique": true,
                  "Join Filter": "(latest_trh_locations_1.location_id = locations_1.id)",
                  "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 19,
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Join Type": "Inner",
                      "Startup Cost": 0.14,
                      "Total Cost": 4.31,
                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                      "Plan Width": 8,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.126,
                      "Actual Total Time": 0.389,
                      "Actual Rows": 21,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Output": [
                      "Inner Unique": true,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "CTE Name": "latest_trh_locations",
                          "Alias": "latest_trh_locations_1",
                          "Startup Cost": 0,
                          "Total Cost": 0.02,
                          "Plan Rows": 1,
                          "Plan Width": 8,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.117,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.354,
                          "Actual Rows": 21,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": [
                          "Node Type": "Index Only Scan",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Scan Direction": "Forward",
                          "Index Name": "sensors_pkey",
                          "Relation Name": "sensors",
                          "Schema": "public",
                          "Alias": "sensors_1",
                          "Startup Cost": 0.14,
                          "Total Cost": 4.16,
                          "Plan Rows": 1,
                          "Plan Width": 4,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.001,
                          "Actual Rows": 1,
                          "Actual Loops": 21,
                          "Output": [
                          "Index Cond": "(sensors_1.id = latest_trh_locations_1.sensor_id)",
                          "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
                          "Heap Fetches": 0
                      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Relation Name": "locations",
                      "Schema": "public",
                      "Alias": "locations_1",
                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                      "Total Cost": 1.65,
                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                      "Plan Width": 4,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.01,
                      "Actual Total Time": 0.01,
                      "Actual Rows": 1,
                      "Actual Loops": 21,
                      "Output": [
                      "Filter": "((locations_1.zone)::text = 'Propagation'::text)",
                      "Rows Removed by Filter": 85
                  "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Join Type": "Left",
                  "Startup Cost": 2314.84,
                  "Total Cost": 172984.52,
                  "Plan Rows": 911904,
                  "Plan Width": 20,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 11.982,
                  "Actual Total Time": 10045.612,
                  "Actual Rows": 180934,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Output": [
                  "Inner Unique": false,
                  "Join Filter": "((aranet_trh_data.\"timestamp\" >= batch_events_4.event_time) AND (aranet_trh_data.\"timestamp\" <= batch_events_5.event_time))",
                  "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 33141534,
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Merge Join",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Join Type": "Left",
                      "Startup Cost": 47.12,
                      "Total Cost": 50.35,
                      "Plan Rows": 207,
                      "Plan Width": 20,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.398,
                      "Actual Total Time": 1.012,
                      "Actual Rows": 218,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Output": [
                      "Inner Unique": false,
                      "Merge Cond": "(batches_1.id = batch_events_5.batch_id)",
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Sort",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Startup Cost": 28.45,
                          "Total Cost": 28.97,
                          "Plan Rows": 207,
                          "Plan Width": 12,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.281,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.343,
                          "Actual Rows": 218,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": [
                          "Sort Key": [
                          "Sort Method": "quicksort",
                          "Sort Space Used": 35,
                          "Sort Space Type": "Memory",
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Join Type": "Right",
                              "Startup Cost": 5.96,
                              "Total Cost": 20.49,
                              "Plan Rows": 207,
                              "Plan Width": 12,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.059,
                              "Actual Total Time": 0.17,
                              "Actual Rows": 218,
                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                              "Output": [
                              "Inner Unique": true,
                              "Hash Cond": "(batch_events_4.batch_id = batches_1.id)",
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Relation Name": "batch_events",
                                  "Schema": "public",
                                  "Alias": "batch_events_4",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                  "Total Cost": 13.98,
                                  "Plan Rows": 207,
                                  "Plan Width": 12,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.007,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.074,
                                  "Actual Rows": 207,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Output": [
                                  "Filter": "(batch_events_4.event_type = 'propagate'::eventtype)",
                                  "Rows Removed by Filter": 447
                                  "Node Type": "Hash",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Startup Cost": 3.76,
                                  "Total Cost": 3.76,
                                  "Plan Rows": 176,
                                  "Plan Width": 4,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.045,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.046,
                                  "Actual Rows": 190,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Output": [
                                  "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                  "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                  "Hash Batches": 1,
                                  "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                                  "Peak Memory Usage": 15,
                                  "Plans": [
                                      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                      "Relation Name": "batches",
                                      "Schema": "public",
                                      "Alias": "batches_1",
                                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                                      "Total Cost": 3.76,
                                      "Plan Rows": 176,
                                      "Plan Width": 4,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.011,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.025,
                                      "Actual Rows": 190,
                                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                                      "Output": [
                          "Node Type": "Sort",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Startup Cost": 18.67,
                          "Total Cost": 19,
                          "Plan Rows": 133,
                          "Plan Width": 12,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.115,
                          "Actual Total Time": 0.201,
                          "Actual Rows": 166,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": [
                          "Sort Key": [
                          "Sort Method": "quicksort",
                          "Sort Space Used": 31,
                          "Sort Space Type": "Memory",
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Relation Name": "batch_events",
                              "Schema": "public",
                              "Alias": "batch_events_5",
                              "Startup Cost": 0,
                              "Total Cost": 13.98,
                              "Plan Rows": 133,
                              "Plan Width": 12,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.015,
                              "Actual Total Time": 0.091,
                              "Actual Rows": 141,
                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                              "Output": [
                              "Filter": "(batch_events_5.event_type = 'transfer'::eventtype)",
                              "Rows Removed by Filter": 513
                      "Node Type": "Materialize",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Startup Cost": 2267.72,
                      "Total Cost": 29408.4,
                      "Plan Rows": 39648,
                      "Plan Width": 24,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.086,
                      "Actual Total Time": 34.936,
                      "Actual Rows": 152855,
                      "Actual Loops": 218,
                      "Output": [
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Nested Loop",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Join Type": "Inner",
                          "Startup Cost": 2267.72,
                          "Total Cost": 29210.16,
                          "Plan Rows": 39648,
                          "Plan Width": 24,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 11.566,
                          "Actual Total Time": 65.608,
                          "Actual Rows": 152855,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": [
                          "Inner Unique": false,
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Aggregate",
                              "Strategy": "Hashed",
                              "Partial Mode": "Simple",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Startup Cost": 0.02,
                              "Total Cost": 0.03,
                              "Plan Rows": 1,
                              "Plan Width": 4,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.74,
                              "Actual Total Time": 0.743,
                              "Actual Rows": 2,
                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                              "Output": [
                              "Group Key": [
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "CTE Name": "propagation_trh_sensors",
                                  "Alias": "propagation_trh_sensors",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                  "Total Cost": 0.02,
                                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                                  "Plan Width": 4,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.213,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.737,
                                  "Actual Rows": 2,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Output": [
                              "Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Relation Name": "aranet_trh_data",
                              "Schema": "public",
                              "Alias": "aranet_trh_data",
                              "Startup Cost": 2267.7,
                              "Total Cost": 28813.65,
                              "Plan Rows": 39648,
                              "Plan Width": 28,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 6.48,
                              "Actual Total Time": 22.861,
                              "Actual Rows": 76428,
                              "Actual Loops": 2,
                              "Output": [
                              "Recheck Cond": "(aranet_trh_data.sensor_id = propagation_trh_sensors.id)",
                              "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
                              "Exact Heap Blocks": 11414,
                              "Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Index Name": "aranet_trh_data_sensor_id_timestamp_key",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                  "Total Cost": 2257.79,
                                  "Plan Rows": 39648,
                                  "Plan Width": 0,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 5.439,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 5.439,
                                  "Actual Rows": 76428,
                                  "Actual Loops": 2,
                                  "Index Cond": "(aranet_trh_data.sensor_id = propagation_trh_sensors.id)"
          "Node Type": "Hash",
          "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
          "Parallel Aware": false,
          "Startup Cost": 339770.02,
          "Total Cost": 339770.02,
          "Plan Rows": 176,
          "Plan Width": 28,
          "Actual Startup Time": 2917.363,
          "Actual Total Time": 2917.367,
          "Actual Rows": 190,
          "Actual Loops": 1,
          "Output": [
          "Hash Buckets": 1024,
          "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
          "Hash Batches": 1,
          "Original Hash Batches": 1,
          "Peak Memory Usage": 17,
          "Plans": [
              "Node Type": "Subquery Scan",
              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
              "Parallel Aware": false,
              "Alias": "grow_trh",
              "Startup Cost": 339765.18,
              "Total Cost": 339770.02,
              "Plan Rows": 176,
              "Plan Width": 28,
              "Actual Startup Time": 2917.252,
              "Actual Total Time": 2917.331,
              "Actual Rows": 190,
              "Actual Loops": 1,
              "Output": [
              "Plans": [
                  "Node Type": "Aggregate",
                  "Strategy": "Hashed",
                  "Partial Mode": "Simple",
                  "Parent Relationship": "Subquery",
                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                  "Startup Cost": 339765.18,
                  "Total Cost": 339768.26,
                  "Plan Rows": 176,
                  "Plan Width": 28,
                  "Actual Startup Time": 2917.25,
                  "Actual Total Time": 2917.311,
                  "Actual Rows": 190,
                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                  "Output": [
                    "avg((('610.78'::double precision * exp((('17.2694'::double precision * aranet_trh_data_1.temperature) / (aranet_trh_data_1.temperature + '237.3'::double precision)))) * ('1'::double precision - (aranet_trh_data_1.humidity / '100'::double precision))))"
                  "Group Key": [
                  "Plans": [
                      "Node Type": "Merge Join",
                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                      "Join Type": "Left",
                      "Startup Cost": 174169.3,
                      "Total Cost": 316505.22,
                      "Plan Rows": 775332,
                      "Plan Width": 20,
                      "Actual Startup Time": 2810.286,
                      "Actual Total Time": 2907.22,
                      "Actual Rows": 21031,
                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                      "Output": [
                      "Inner Unique": false,
                      "Merge Cond": "(closests_trh_sensors.sensor_id = aranet_trh_data_1.sensor_id)",
                      "Join Filter": "((aranet_trh_data_1.\"timestamp\" >= batch_events_6.event_time) AND (aranet_trh_data_1.\"timestamp\" <= batch_events_7.event_time))",
                      "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 505224,
                      "Plans": [
                          "Node Type": "Sort",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Startup Cost": 45.23,
                          "Total Cost": 45.67,
                          "Plan Rows": 176,
                          "Plan Width": 24,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 5.866,
                          "Actual Total Time": 5.884,
                          "Actual Rows": 191,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": [
                          "Sort Key": [
                          "Sort Method": "quicksort",
                          "Sort Space Used": 38,
                          "Sort Space Type": "Memory",
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Join Type": "Left",
                              "Startup Cost": 22.53,
                              "Total Cost": 38.67,
                              "Plan Rows": 176,
                              "Plan Width": 24,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 5.719,
                              "Actual Total Time": 5.834,
                              "Actual Rows": 191,
                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                              "Output": [
                              "Inner Unique": false,
                              "Hash Cond": "(batch_events_6.location_id = closests_trh_sensors.location_id)",
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Join Type": "Right",
                                  "Startup Cost": 22.5,
                                  "Total Cost": 37.96,
                                  "Plan Rows": 176,
                                  "Plan Width": 24,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.306,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.395,
                                  "Actual Rows": 190,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Output": [
                                  "Inner Unique": false,
                                  "Hash Cond": "(batch_events_7.batch_id = batches_2.id)",
                                  "Plans": [
                                      "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                      "Relation Name": "batch_events",
                                      "Schema": "public",
                                      "Alias": "batch_events_7",
                                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                                      "Total Cost": 13.98,
                                      "Plan Rows": 113,
                                      "Plan Width": 12,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.01,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.064,
                                      "Actual Rows": 117,
                                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                                      "Output": [
                                      "Filter": "(batch_events_7.event_type = 'harvest'::eventtype)",
                                      "Rows Removed by Filter": 537
                                      "Node Type": "Hash",
                                      "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                      "Startup Cost": 20.3,
                                      "Total Cost": 20.3,
                                      "Plan Rows": 176,
                                      "Plan Width": 16,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 0.285,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 0.286,
                                      "Actual Rows": 190,
                                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                                      "Output": [
                                      "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                      "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                      "Hash Batches": 1,
                                      "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                                      "Peak Memory Usage": 17,
                                      "Plans": [
                                          "Node Type": "Hash Join",
                                          "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                                          "Join Type": "Right",
                                          "Startup Cost": 5.96,
                                          "Total Cost": 20.3,
                                          "Plan Rows": 176,
                                          "Plan Width": 16,
                                          "Actual Startup Time": 0.168,
                                          "Actual Total Time": 0.267,
                                          "Actual Rows": 190,
                                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                                          "Output": [
                                          "Inner Unique": true,
                                          "Hash Cond": "(batch_events_6.batch_id = batches_2.id)",
                                          "Plans": [
                                              "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                                              "Relation Name": "batch_events",
                                              "Schema": "public",
                                              "Alias": "batch_events_6",
                                              "Startup Cost": 0,
                                              "Total Cost": 13.98,
                                              "Plan Rows": 133,
                                              "Plan Width": 16,
                                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.018,
                                              "Actual Total Time": 0.073,
                                              "Actual Rows": 141,
                                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                                              "Output": [
                                              "Filter": "(batch_events_6.event_type = 'transfer'::eventtype)",
                                              "Rows Removed by Filter": 513
                                              "Node Type": "Hash",
                                              "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                                              "Startup Cost": 3.76,
                                              "Total Cost": 3.76,
                                              "Plan Rows": 176,
                                              "Plan Width": 4,
                                              "Actual Startup Time": 0.082,
                                              "Actual Total Time": 0.082,
                                              "Actual Rows": 190,
                                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                                              "Output": [
                                              "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                              "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                              "Hash Batches": 1,
                                              "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                                              "Peak Memory Usage": 15,
                                              "Plans": [
                                                  "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                                  "Relation Name": "batches",
                                                  "Schema": "public",
                                                  "Alias": "batches_2",
                                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                                  "Total Cost": 3.76,
                                                  "Plan Rows": 176,
                                                  "Plan Width": 4,
                                                  "Actual Startup Time": 0.045,
                                                  "Actual Total Time": 0.057,
                                                  "Actual Rows": 190,
                                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                                  "Output": [
                                  "Node Type": "Hash",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Startup Cost": 0.02,
                                  "Total Cost": 0.02,
                                  "Plan Rows": 1,
                                  "Plan Width": 8,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 5.4,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 5.4,
                                  "Actual Rows": 83,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Output": [
                                  "Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                  "Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
                                  "Hash Batches": 1,
                                  "Original Hash Batches": 1,
                                  "Peak Memory Usage": 12,
                                  "Plans": [
                                      "Node Type": "CTE Scan",
                                      "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                      "Parallel Aware": false,
                                      "CTE Name": "closests_trh_sensors",
                                      "Alias": "closests_trh_sensors",
                                      "Startup Cost": 0,
                                      "Total Cost": 0.02,
                                      "Plan Rows": 1,
                                      "Plan Width": 8,
                                      "Actual Startup Time": 4.661,
                                      "Actual Total Time": 5.384,
                                      "Actual Rows": 83,
                                      "Actual Loops": 1,
                                      "Output": [
                          "Node Type": "Materialize",
                          "Parent Relationship": "Inner",
                          "Parallel Aware": false,
                          "Startup Cost": 174124.07,
                          "Total Cost": 179674.74,
                          "Plan Rows": 1110134,
                          "Plan Width": 28,
                          "Actual Startup Time": 2395.795,
                          "Actual Total Time": 2730.099,
                          "Actual Rows": 1657343,
                          "Actual Loops": 1,
                          "Output": [
                          "Plans": [
                              "Node Type": "Sort",
                              "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                              "Parallel Aware": false,
                              "Startup Cost": 174124.07,
                              "Total Cost": 176899.41,
                              "Plan Rows": 1110134,
                              "Plan Width": 28,
                              "Actual Startup Time": 2395.792,
                              "Actual Total Time": 2628.499,
                              "Actual Rows": 1145838,
                              "Actual Loops": 1,
                              "Output": [
                              "Sort Key": [
                              "Sort Method": "external merge",
                              "Sort Space Used": 42640,
                              "Sort Space Type": "Disk",
                              "Plans": [
                                  "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
                                  "Parent Relationship": "Outer",
                                  "Parallel Aware": false,
                                  "Relation Name": "aranet_trh_data",
                                  "Schema": "public",
                                  "Alias": "aranet_trh_data_1",
                                  "Startup Cost": 0,
                                  "Total Cost": 36092.34,
                                  "Plan Rows": 1110134,
                                  "Plan Width": 28,
                                  "Actual Startup Time": 320.683,
                                  "Actual Total Time": 593.188,
                                  "Actual Rows": 1145838,
                                  "Actual Loops": 1,
                                  "Output": [
    "Planning Time": 28.554,
    "Triggers": [],
    "Execution Time": 13227.233
        WITH latest_trh_locations AS (
            SELECT ss.sensor_id, ss.location_id, ss.installation_date
            FROM (
                    max(installation_date) OVER (PARTITION BY sensor_id) AS max_date
                FROM sensor_location
            ) AS ss
            JOIN sensors
            ON (sensors.id = ss.sensor_id)
            JOIN sensor_types
            ON (sensors.type_id = sensor_types.id)
            WHERE ss.installation_date = ss.max_date
            AND sensor_types.sensor_type = 'Aranet T&RH'

        location_distances AS (
            l1.id AS id1,
            l2.id AS id2,
                (CASE WHEN l1.zone = l2.zone THEN 0 ELSE NULL END)
                + (CASE WHEN l1.aisle = l2.aisle THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)
                + abs(l1.column - l2.column)
                + abs(l1.shelf - l2.shelf)
            ) AS distance
            FROM locations l1, locations l2

        sensor_distances AS (
                location_distances.id1 AS location_id,
            FROM location_distances
            JOIN latest_trh_locations
            ON latest_trh_locations.location_id = location_distances.id2

        closests_trh_sensors AS (
            SELECT ss.location_id, ss.sensor_id
            FROM (
                    min(distance) OVER (PARTITION BY location_id) AS min_distance
                FROM sensor_distances
                WHERE sensor_id IS NOT NULL
            ) AS ss
            WHERE ss.distance = ss.min_distance

        first_event_time AS (
            SELECT min(event_time) as min_time
            FROM batch_events

            batches.id AS batch_id,
            crop_types.name AS crop_type_name,
            weigh_events.event_time AS weigh_time,
            propagate_events.event_time AS propagate_time,
            transfer_events.event_time AS transfer_time,
            harvest_events.event_time AS harvest_time,
            harvest_events.event_time - transfer_events.event_time AS grow_time,
            grow_trh.avg_temp AS avg_grow_temperature,
            grow_trh.avg_rh AS avg_grow_humidity,
            grow_trh.avg_vpd AS avg_grow_vpd,
            propagate_trh.avg_temp AS avg_propagation_temperature,
            propagate_trh.avg_rh AS avg_propagation_humidity,
            propagate_trh.avg_vpd AS avg_propagation_vpd
        FROM batches

        INNER JOIN
        ON (batches.crop_type_id = crop_types.id)

        INNER JOIN (
            SELECT batch_id, event_time
            FROM batch_events
            WHERE batch_events.event_type = 'weigh'
        AS weigh_events
        ON (batches.id = weigh_events.batch_id)

            SELECT batch_id, event_time
            FROM batch_events
            WHERE batch_events.event_type = 'propagate'
        AS propagate_events
        ON (batches.id = propagate_events.batch_id)

            SELECT batch_id, event_time, location_id
            FROM batch_events
            WHERE batch_events.event_type = 'transfer'
        AS transfer_events
        ON (batches.id = transfer_events.batch_id)

            SELECT id, batch_id, event_time
            FROM batch_events
            WHERE batch_events.event_type = 'harvest'
        AS harvest_events
        ON (batches.id = harvest_events.batch_id)

        locations ON (locations.id = transfer_events.location_id)

        harvests ON (harvests.batch_event_id = harvest_events.id)

                batches.id AS batch_id,
                avg(trh.temperature) AS avg_temp,
                avg(trh.humidity) AS avg_rh,
                avg(trh.vpd) AS avg_vpd
            FROM batches
            LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                SELECT batch_id, event_time, location_id
                FROM batch_events
                WHERE batch_events.event_type = 'transfer'
            AS transfer_events
            ON (batches.id = transfer_events.batch_id)
            LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                SELECT id, batch_id, event_time
                FROM batch_events
                WHERE batch_events.event_type = 'harvest'
            AS harvest_events
            ON (batches.id = harvest_events.batch_id)
            LEFT OUTER JOIN
            ON transfer_events.location_id = closests_trh_sensors.location_id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                        * exp(17.2694 * temperature / (temperature + 237.3))
                        * (1.0 - humidity / 100.0)
                    ) AS vpd,
                FROM aranet_trh_data
            AS trh
            ON (
                trh.timestamp BETWEEN transfer_events.event_time
                AND harvest_events.event_time
                AND closests_trh_sensors.sensor_id = trh.sensor_id
            GROUP BY batches.id
        ) AS grow_trh
        ON (grow_trh.batch_id = batches.id)

            WITH propagation_trh_sensors AS (
                SELECT sensors.id
                FROM sensors
                JOIN latest_trh_locations
                ON latest_trh_locations.sensor_id = sensors.id
                JOIN locations
                ON locations.id = latest_trh_locations.location_id
                WHERE (locations.zone = 'Propagation')
                batches.id AS batch_id,
                avg(trh.temperature) AS avg_temp,
                avg(trh.humidity) AS avg_rh,
                avg(trh.vpd) AS avg_vpd
            FROM batches
            LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                SELECT batch_id, event_time
                FROM batch_events
                WHERE batch_events.event_type = 'propagate'
            ) AS propagate_events
            ON (batches.id = propagate_events.batch_id)
            LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                SELECT id, batch_id, event_time
                FROM batch_events
                WHERE batch_events.event_type = 'transfer'
            ) AS transfer_events
            ON (batches.id = transfer_events.batch_id)
            LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                        * exp(17.2694 * temperature / (temperature + 237.3))
                        * (1.0 - humidity / 100.0)
                    ) AS vpd,
                FROM aranet_trh_data
                WHERE (sensor_id IN (SELECT id FROM propagation_trh_sensors))
            ) AS trh
            ON (
                BETWEEN propagate_events.event_time
                AND transfer_events.event_time
            GROUP BY batches.id
        ) AS propagate_trh
        ON (propagate_trh.batch_id = batches.id)
Table Count Time
aranet_trh_data 2 628ms 5%
#84 Seq Scan 593ms 4%
#65 Bitmap Heap Scan 34.8ms 0%
batch_events 8 0.556ms 0%
#60 Seq Scan 0.091ms 0%
#56 Seq Scan 0.074ms 0%
#77 Seq Scan 0.073ms 0%
#41 Seq Scan 0.073ms 0%
#74 Seq Scan 0.064ms 0%
#38 Seq Scan 0.063ms 0%
#30 Seq Scan 0.059ms 0%
#26 Seq Scan 0.059ms 0%
locations 4 0.27ms 0%
#51 Seq Scan 0.21ms 0%
#11 Seq Scan 0.022ms 0%
#32 Seq Scan 0.022ms 0%
#13 Seq Scan 0.016ms 0%
batches 3 0.113ms 0%
#79 Seq Scan 0.057ms 0%
#43 Seq Scan 0.031ms 0%
#58 Seq Scan 0.025ms 0%
sensors 2 0.079ms 0%
#8 Index Scan 0.058ms 0%
#50 Index Only Scan 0.021ms 0%
sensor_types 1 0.058ms 0%
#9 Index Scan 0.058ms 0%
sensor_location 1 0.026ms 0%
#7 Seq Scan 0.026ms 0%
crop_types 1 0.02ms 0%
#45 Seq Scan 0.02ms 0%
harvests 1 0.018ms 0%
#36 Seq Scan 0.018ms 0%
Function Count Time
No function used
Node Type Count Time
Materialize 3 7s 652ms 58%
#61 Materialize 7s 550ms 57%
#82 Materialize 102ms 1%
#12 Materialize 0.242ms 0%
Nested Loop 7 2s 449ms 19%
#52 Nested Loop 2s 429ms 18%
#62 Nested Loop 19.1ms 0%
#10 Nested Loop 1.31ms 0%
#47 Nested Loop 0.137ms 0%
#3 Nested Loop 0.048ms 0%
#2 Nested Loop 0.042ms 0%
#48 Nested Loop 0.014ms 0%
Sort 7 2s 36.2ms 15%
#83 Sort 2s 35.3ms 15%
#20 Sort 0.305ms 0%
#23 Sort 0.198ms 0%
#54 Sort 0.173ms 0%
#59 Sort 0.11ms 0%
#71 Sort 0.05ms 0%
#6 Sort 0.022ms 0%
Seq Scan 19 594ms 4%
#84 Seq Scan 593ms 4%
#51 Seq Scan 0.21ms 0%
#60 Seq Scan 0.091ms 0%
#56 Seq Scan 0.074ms 0%
#77 Seq Scan 0.073ms 0%
#41 Seq Scan 0.073ms 0%
#74 Seq Scan 0.064ms 0%
#38 Seq Scan 0.063ms 0%
#30 Seq Scan 0.059ms 0%
#26 Seq Scan 0.059ms 0%
#79 Seq Scan 0.057ms 0%
#43 Seq Scan 0.031ms 0%
#7 Seq Scan 0.026ms 0%
#58 Seq Scan 0.025ms 0%
#11 Seq Scan 0.022ms 0%
#32 Seq Scan 0.022ms 0%
#45 Seq Scan 0.02ms 0%
#36 Seq Scan 0.018ms 0%
#13 Seq Scan 0.016ms 0%
Merge Join 3 172ms 1%
#70 Merge Join 171ms 1%
#22 Merge Join 0.555ms 0%
#53 Merge Join 0.468ms 0%
GroupAggregate 1 71.1ms 1%
#46 GroupAggregate 71.1ms 1%
Bitmap Heap Scan 1 34.8ms 0%
#65 Bitmap Heap Scan 34.8ms 0%
CTE Scan 6 14.1ms 0%
#81 CTE Scan 5.38ms 0%
#21 CTE Scan 4.39ms 0%
#15 CTE Scan 3.2ms 0%
#64 CTE Scan 0.737ms 0%
#49 CTE Scan 0.354ms 0%
#17 CTE Scan 0.006ms 0%
Bitmap Index Scan 1 10.9ms 0%
#66 Bitmap Index Scan 10.9ms 0%
HashAggregate 2 10.1ms 0%
#69 HashAggregate 10.1ms 0%
#63 HashAggregate 0.006ms 0%
Hash Join 13 1.88ms 0%
#14 Hash Join 0.743ms 0%
#1 Hash Join 0.599ms 0%
#76 Hash Join 0.112ms 0%
#25 Hash Join 0.066ms 0%
#55 Hash Join 0.05ms 0%
#28 Hash Join 0.048ms 0%
#73 Hash Join 0.045ms 0%
#34 Hash Join 0.04ms 0%
#72 Hash Join 0.039ms 0%
#24 Hash Join 0.038ms 0%
#40 Hash Join 0.037ms 0%
#35 Hash Join 0.032ms 0%
#29 Hash Join 0.032ms 0%
WindowAgg 2 0.684ms 0%
#19 WindowAgg 0.596ms 0%
#5 WindowAgg 0.088ms 0%
Hash 13 0.301ms 0%
#27 Hash 0.042ms 0%
#33 Hash 0.04ms 0%
#67 Hash 0.036ms 0%
#39 Hash 0.031ms 0%
#42 Hash 0.026ms 0%
#78 Hash 0.025ms 0%
#57 Hash 0.021ms 0%
#75 Hash 0.019ms 0%
#80 Hash 0.016ms 0%
#44 Hash 0.014ms 0%
#37 Hash 0.014ms 0%
#31 Hash 0.014ms 0%
#16 Hash 0.003ms 0%
Index Scan 2 0.116ms 0%
#9 Index Scan 0.058ms 0%
#8 Index Scan 0.058ms 0%
Subquery Scan 3 0.1ms 0%
#18 Subquery Scan 0.073ms 0%
#68 Subquery Scan 0.02ms 0%
#4 Subquery Scan 0.007ms 0%
Index Only Scan 1 0.021ms 0%
#50 Index Only Scan 0.021ms 0%
Index Count Time
aranet_trh_data_sensor_id_timestamp_key 1 10.9ms 0%
#66 Bitmap Index Scan 10.9ms 0%
sensors_pkey 2 0.079ms 0%
#8 Index Scan 0.058ms 0%
#50 Index Only Scan 0.021ms 0%
sensor_types_pkey 1 0.058ms 0%
#9 Index Scan 0.058ms 0%